Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Whisky Pairing dinner; What to wear?

With the Whisky Pairing dinner only 18 days away, I'm sure many of you are wondering: "... what to wear, what to wear? Well, it's a gala event and last year we had everything from Victoria County casual, to formal wear, with lots of plaid in evidence. Many of the volunteers were in kilts as were some of the guests. It's a great opportunity to strut your scottish heritage.

Don't have a kilt? Aren't sure about this whole kilt business? Well, there are entry level kilts that look just fine. To be honest a $150 kilt doesn't hang as well as an $800 kilt, but they ... look just fine.

You may have time to shop if you hurry!

Some online sources we've used and have been pleased with.

http://www.sportkilt.com/ Entry level kilt with prices starting at $49 USD.

http://www.stillwaterkilts.com/ Kilts starting at $80 USD

Tartan choices are limited, but prices have never been better.